Postcards From The Edge Case: When One Size Doesn't Fit All

Be Secure Without Sacrificing Functionality

Print Fliers Versus Digital Slides

My work location has an HD television on one of the walls, attached to a gaming system that the teens use after school, and a small computer that's hiding in the same cabinet that runs a bit of Javascript through a web browser and creates a slide show that tells the teens about programs, about things they can access with their library card, and that displays copies of the artwork they've created for the system-wide poetry, prose, drawing and photography contest the library system runs every year, Our Own Expressions, or the artwork that I've digitized, inked, and sometimes colored from the work of the invisible art collective that draws on the easel pads left in the teen area. Creating the artwork and making it into a form that's ready to go on the slideshow isn't difficult - the image manipulation program works pretty well for that. What does become difficult is when the promotional material that comes out of the Communication department is all in PDF form, assuming you want to print it, when it needs to be in a more common image form to work in the slideshow. The image manipulation program installed on the work machine can't open PDFs as images.